You may find help using acupressure for neck pain relief if you are trying to feel better without drugs or surgery. (However, because neck pain can be potentially serious, you should have any serious or persistent pain or numbness seen by a medical doctor.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine sees pain and illness as the result of the disrupted flow of chi (energy) in the human energy system. Acupuncture and acupressure work to restore and balance the flow of chi/qi in the body. Acupoints are places where the qi is close to the surface of the body, and can therefore be influenced to relieve pain and restore health. There are 14 meridians, or channels, through which the qi flows in the body.
To perform acupressure, press the acupoint firmly with your finger or thumb. If you’re working with a delicate area such as the face, use lighter pressure. Hold the point until you feel relief, or for about a minute.
These points are taken from Acupressure's Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach. It's an excellent resource book with very clear directions about how to locate the points.
Of course, the best way to relieve neck pain is to prevent it. Try to get plenty of good exercise,
breathe correctly,
maintain an optimal posture (with ears over your shoulders, so that your head is erect rather than craning forward) and
manage stress.
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