Healing the Chakras

Working with Your Subtle Energy Centers to Improve Health and Happiness

Healing the chakras--clearing, opening, and balancing them--can help  you maintain the health of your physical and energetic bodies.

The seven chakras
Chakra healing can be done in many ways. It's something that an energy healer can do for you, or that you can do for yourself or for members of your family.

What Are the Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers or portals in the energy field. They play an important role in the health of your energy systems, including your physical body.

Located along the central channel of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortices through which universal/cosmic energy flows into and out of a person.

There are seven major chakras, plus many minor ones. Each chakra corresponds to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being. You can learn about each of the individual chakras here.

Chakra Health

Chakras can become blocked or imbalanced. With a chakra blockage, the free flow of energy in and out, plus the flow of energy to other chakras, is impeded. If the chakras are imbalanced, one or more chakras is over-active or underactive compared to the others.

Blockages and imbalances in a chakra can result in disturbances--sometimes profound--in a person’s health, emotions, mind, spirit, or life.

What does a healthy chakra system look like?

On the subtle level, the chakras in a healthy chakra system are each a clear vibrant version or their true color; each is spinning clockwise; and each is clear and open. The chakras as a whole are in relative balance to each other--that is, none is extremely overactive or underactive compared to the others. Energy flows freely into and out of each one. Energy also flows freely vertically up and down the central channel, between the seven chakras.

On a physical level, a healthy chakra system usually manifests as:

  • a relatively healthy physical body with good vitality
  • a basic sense of security and safety in the world
  • balanced sexuality, neither under- nor over-active; creatively active
  • sense of self-worth, ability to make things happen in the physical world
  • balanced, healthy relationships, connection to nature
  • ability to express own truth, to express self, to listen as well as talk
  • intellect balanced with other attributes of intelligence; active intuition
  • sense of meaning in life; sense of connection to a higher power or larger purpose
As you can see, a person with a totally healthy chakra system would be a very healthy person indeed, in mind, body, and spirit. Don't expect yourself to fulfill the ideal in each chakra!

Learn More About Healing The Chakras

The Energy Healing Site has a whole section devoted to the energy centers that shape your life -- 20 articles in all, including many on specific techniques and practices for healing the chakras. Find them below.

Chakras Section Table of Contents

Chakra Care

An extremely user-friendly book about balancing and supporting your chakras,
with clear explanations and 500 enjoyable chakra-healing activities.
Learn more or buy it at the link above.

Chakra Healing and Clearing

Chakra Blockages

Learn about a common energetic phenomenon with major implications for your health.

Opening the Chakras

Open your chakras using fun, everyday activities.

Balancing the Chakras

How and why to balance your energy centers.

Meditation for the Chakras .

Learn a chakra-healing meditation.

Vocal Toning for the Chakras

How to use vocal toning to clear, balance, and energize your energy centers.

Crystals and Stones for the Chakras

How to use the power of stones and gems to clear and balance your energy centers.

Essential Oils for the Chakras

Chakra essential oils and how to use them for healing your subtle energy centers.

Healing Individual Chakras

1st Chakra Healing Activities

Overcome anxiety and fear.

2nd Chakra Healing Activities

Open to joy.

3rd Chakra Healing Activities

Unlock your personal power.

4th Chakra Healing Activities

Open to the love that is all around you.

5th Chakra Healing Activities

Speak and live your truth.

6th Chakra Healing Activities

Develop your capacities for clarity, intuition, and spiritual insight.

7th Chakra Healing Activities

Develop your capacities for spiritual growth.

General Info

Chakra Overview

Just the overview you’ve been looking for.

Detailed Chakra Charts

Lots of additional information in a handy format

Chakra Colors

What is the color associated with each of the 7 chakras, and what do variations mean?

Chakra Symbols

Sensing the Chakras

Sensing Your Chakras

Perceive your own subtle energy centers.


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.