Am I A Healer?
Yes You Are. Here's Why


People sometimes ask me, "Am I a healer? How do I know?"

It's clear that they think it's a rare and special gift given only to a few. I think a lot of people feel that way.

But I think differently, so for me the answer to their question is simple:

"You don't have to wait for a special sign from above that you're a healer. You are a healer. Everyone is. Everyone has the ability to heal others (or more specifically, to support others in their own self-healing).

To me, the ability to help others heal is just part of being human. To ask "Am I a healer" is like asking, "Am I human?"

But beyond that, there are two important points to consider.

There Are Many Ways to Be a Healer

First, if you define healing broadly, as helping people rebuild their wholeness, regain the fullness of who they are, live in harmony with others and the world and be on a fulfilling life-path—then you can definitely be a healer, no matter what your position or profession. There are many ways to be a healer in this definition. You can be a medical doctor, a nurse, or any of the other conventional healing roles, or you can be a healer in a less traditional way, such as being an energy healer.

But teachers, politicians, photographers, counselors, store clerks, moms, dads, administrators, roofers, childcare workers, and anyone else in the whole wide world can be powerful healers as well. You don't have to go to school or hang out a shingle. You can do this work from where you already are.

For example, moms and dads typically will kiss their child's scraped knee or bump on the head. That's energy healing. A roofer could cast healing intentions literally from the rooftops, letting them roll out across an entire city. A child care worker or teacher can steady an agitated or upset child with their calm, firm voice and demeanor. A store clerk can lighten the mood of everyone who comes through their checkout line, just with a smile and a few pleasantries. If you work with lots of correspondence, you could bless it before it goes out, imbuing it with loving-kindness and intentions for the highest good of the receiver. A writer could resolve to write only things that will have an uplifting, harmonizing influence. Someone who loves nature could share their deep connection with others. As a personal example, my husband was a commercial photographer. He used his energy healing abilities to keep the energy of his studio immaculate, to set people at ease, to reach them at a deep level, and to help heal the wounds that most of us carry about our appearance. All of these things are forms of energy healing.

Everything is energy, and all our relationships are energy. Every interaction you have is an energy phenomenon. You can choose to be a healing force in each and every contact you have with another being. Even just meeting eyes briefly with someone can have a positive impact if you intend it to. Being a calm and positive presence in a frazzled world is a wonderful way to be a healing force. Being positive and upbeat in a work meeting helps the entire group do better work.

As I say over and over, healing work is mostly about intention. So don't wonder about being a healer. Just do it!

Healing As a Path You Walk, Not an Ability You Have or Acquire

The second point is that energy healing is more a path than a skill set or ability. Anyone can walk at least a little ways down that path, assuming their intentions are good. But to go very far on the path, you must be intentionally evolving, continually working to raise the calibration of your energy.

Am I A Healer? The Real Questions:

So the real questions are:

  • Do you want to be a healer?
  • Do you want to set aside your own ego and help others activate their own self-healing powers?
  • Do you care enough about doing it that you'll do it quietly from where you already are?
  • Do you want to walk the spiritual path, the evolutionary path, that is necessary to develop as a healer?

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Because it's not HAVING the gift of healing that's special. It's DEVELOPING it that's special. That happens naturally if you truly want it to be your path—but it has to happen.

In a way I suppose "being a healer" is mostly about hearing a "calling" and answering it. If you're wondering about whether you're a healer, you've already heard the call. What you do with it is up to you.

So by all means get that training to be a doula, learn reflexology, go to med school.
But don't wait to use your innate healing powers until you finish. Be an "embedded energy healer" now, doing the work from within any place or profession.

I wish you joy and fulfillment in your journey as a healer!

Go from Am I A Healer to Learn Energy Healing main page.


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.