How To Use Aromatherapy (Essential Oils)
To Relax and Restore YOUR ENERGY

Image of essential oil bottles and rosesImage courtesy of ABMP

Aromatherapy - essential oils - are a beautiful way to support relaxation, balance and clear your subtle energies, manage stress, and contribute to overall wellness. It's easy to blend them into an energy healing practice.

How Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) Benefit Your Subtle Energies

The energy field of a person when s/he is relaxed feels very different from when s/he is tense and anxious. Certain essential oils, by helping us to relax, help our subtle energies shift more easily to a state of healthy balance and flow. They also connect us to earth energy (because they come from plants) and help to balance our overactive mental bodies. And, because the beautiful scents bring us joy, they lift and brighten our energies.

What Essential Oils Are

Essential oils (EOs) are highly aromatic oils extracted from plants. Unlike artificially created perfume oils, they have healing properties, and unlike vegetable oils expressed from nuts and seeds, they are not actually oily.

For centuries, healing, beauty treatment and body care has made use of aromatherapy. Essential oils are the most concentrated form of any botanical, providing a concentrated dose of nature's vast pharmacological ingredients in a single drop.

I believe that, like homeopathy, aromatherapy works primarily on an energetic level—especially when they are used as a scent only, rather than applied directly to the skin.

Learn how to safely use aromatherapy: essential oils precautions, how to store them, and the best carrier oils to use.

Essential Oils In An Energy Healing Setting

Some EOs can be wildly expensive. However, there are a number of oils that are quite affordable and very useful in an energy healing setting.

If you are using them in an energy healing practice, I recommend that you only use them environmentally (in the air). Applying them to the skin carries too much risk of allergic reactions, and since in an energy medicine context the effect is vibrational rather than chemical, why take that risk? Smelling them will do just as much good as applying them to the skin.

Using aromatherapy/essential oils environmentally is easy.

  • You can make a spray using a few drops of essential oil in alcohol (vodka works well) or witch hazel (get it at most drug stores/apothecaries).
  • You can put a few drops on your own hands (assuming you know that you aren't reactive to that particular E)) and hold your hands in the vicinity of your client's face (not too close, though).
  • You can just put a few drops on a tissue and place the tissue on a shelf.
  • Of course, diffusers are great, too, but as you can see you can spare yourself the cost without much trouble at all if you like.

A couple of cautionary notes: Remember to get consent to use aromatherapy. Not everyone likes scent. And in any case, use a light hand. Even used environmentally, essential oils when overused can give people a headache.

One of the best and most reliable things energy healing can do for people is help them relax and relieve anxiety and stress. Because of that, I think you'll get the most bang for your buck by concentrating on aromatherapy/essential oils for relaxation.

Here are some of the best for reducing stress and relaxing. If you are purchasing them, make sure that they are true essential oils and not perfume oils (which are artificial).


Reduces stress response; anti-depressant; calming; helps with insomnia; relaxing. Strongly anti-inflammatory & antiseptic; also an immune stimulant and helps with headaches. If you try only one EO, make it lavender. It has a multitude of uses and benefits, is affordable, is readily available at many stores, and is marvelous for helping you relax.

Image of lavender in bloom

Calms nervous system; uplifting; balancing; good for managing stress and relaxing.


Balances stress; helps with insomnia; relaxing; restorative when you’re feeling “wiped out." Cheering and anti-depressant. Balances nervous system. Note: Stay out of the sun if you use this topically.

Ylang Ylang

Soothing, relaxing de-stressing, somewhat euphoric. Helps when you’re feeling over-loaded.


Very relaxing and grounding. Helps manage stress. Antidepressant.

Clary Sage

Helps with stress and anxiety, as well as depression, migraine and, fatigue. It aids creativity. It helps balance all female hormonal imbalances and is especially good for relieving post-partum depression. It is mildly intoxicating and euphoric (therefore don't overuse and don't use while driving). Note: Do not use during pregnancy.

Aromatherapy Recipes for Relaxation

While each of the oils above can be used alone, you may find that you enjoy blending them as well. I've created some nice anti-stress aromatherapy recipes for you to try here. Personally tested!

Learn how to use your oils and blends safely.

More About Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils for Energetic and Physical Health

Return from Aromatherapy Essential Oils to Relaxation Therapy main page.

Go to Aromatherapy Recipes For Stress Relief.

More details here on essential oil safety.


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.