Keeping our physical body alive, healthy and functioning well is a complex exercise in balancing. It's called homeostasis, and it keeps all the chemicals, hormones, and processes of our body in harmony with each other. If our body deviates from a state of homeostasis, we're in trouble.
In the same way, our chakras must be in balance and aligned with each other.
When our chakras (or any aspect of our energy system) are out of balance, it can have a profound impact on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. When they are out of balance/alignment, both our bodies and our lives are likely to be out of balance as well. We may find that we are illness- or accident-prone, or that our lives are unhappy, unsatisfying, or chaotic.
Sound healing expert Jonathan Goldman compares the body to a musical orchestra, where the individual players represent physical or energetic organs. If one "instrument" (like a chakra) gets off tune or out of balance, the sound of the entire orchestra (the health of your entire body) is off, and pretty soon the other players (other part of your physical or energetic system) start to veer off-tune, too.
Energy flows through the chakra system in two ways. First, it flows up and down along your central channel, base of spine to top of head, connecting the chakras. Second, it flows horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the cosmos.
In a balanced chakra system:
How would a person with a healthy, balanced chakra system most likely look?
It's only necessary that the chakras not be wildly out of alignment, such as one chakra that is nearly shut down, or one that is blown wide open in comparison to the others. Your body and your life will give you the information you need to know if your chakras need balancing.
Indeed, someone with a top-heavy chakra system--the top three or four chakras overactive in relation to the three bottom chakras--might be spacy and ungrounded, have difficulty finishing things, have difficulty concentrating, lack "common sense," be "out of touch," and just generally have difficulty living in the world.
On the other hand, sometimes people are out of balance with the lower three chakras overactive in comparison to the entire system. Such individuals might lack imagination and creativity, lack vision, lack higher dreams, feel unconnected to the divine, be overly sexual, lack higher reasoning power, be overbearing and unsubtle, be "plodding," get trapped in the minutiae or the drama of life, and generally have a hard time rising above the basic physicality of life.
To learn more about individual chakra blockages, and how they might manifest, you can go here.
Many energy healers will spend a considerable amount of their time with you healing the chakras: opening, balancing, aligning and energizing them. A professional energy healing can be good not only for balancing the chakras, but also for you to get a feel for your own chakras.
But there are also many techniques that you yourself can use for chakra balancing. Keep in mind that the way to make any energy-work method effective is to do it mindfully, with sacred intention to heal. In other words, it's the intention rather than the exact method that's important.
Here are some methods for chakra balancing that you might try.
Singing Bowl Chakra Balancer
My husband has a beautiful daily practice for balancing and aligning chakras. Each morning, after meditating for a while, he sounds his singing bowl eight times, once for each of the chakras (we work with an 8th chakra, too).Starting with the first chakra, he sounds the bowl once. As the singing bowl resonates, he holds his awareness on the first chakra and lets the sound resonate in for a while. After a while, he sounds the bowl for the second chakra, holding his awareness on it and letting the sound resonate in it for a while. And so on, up the chakras.
He loves this daily practice, and since he's someone who's in a constant, steady state of spiritual growth in my opinion he's a good advertisement for it!
© Little_prince |
Hands-On Chakra Balancer
This is a traditional, hands-on energy-healing method for chakra balancing. You can do it with your hands directly on your body, or a few inches above your body.
- Lie down in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed.
- Spend some time belly-breathing and take a few minutes to ground and center.
- Set an intention for balancing and aligning your chakras.
- Place one hand on your first chakra (you can put your hand either on or in the air above your groin), and one hand on your second chakra.
- Hold your hands in this position until you feel the energy equalize or until you start to feel it pulse in a patterned way (e.g. in unison or regularly back and forth), or until you get some other indication (such as just knowing) that the two chakras are balanced. Don't worry if you don't feel anything or don't get some other indication that the chakras are balanced. Just hold your hands on the two chakras for a minute or so, or until you feel that it's time to move on. Your intention to balance them will do the work.
- Move your hands to your second and third chakras and repeat the balancing.
- Move your hands to the third and fourth and repeat. And so on.
- After you've balanced the last two chakras, take a little while to enjoy the feeling. Being familiar with the feeling of having your chakras in balance will help you recreate the state whenever you need to throughout the day.
- Get up and drink a glass of water. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Visit the Chakras Main Page for access to 19 other articles about the chakras, including