There's lots to learn about the chakra and it can feel overwhelming at first. I hope that the chakra chart below will help out by giving you some basic information about each of the 7 chakras.
To give an extremely quick and simple explanation of what chakras are: Chakras are energy centers, or portals in the human energy field. Located along the central line of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortices through which universal/cosmic energy flows into and out of a person.
are seven major chakras, plus many minor ones. Each chakra corresponds
to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being. Many kinds of
energy healing incorporate working with the chakras. Some people who are
sensitive to energy can feel each of the chakras, and sense whether
they are in or out of balance. (Sometimes during and energy healing I
just get the sense that a chakra is "talking to me" or "wants some
attention.") If you're interested, you can learn more about all that on
other pages on this site (see the "Chakra Table of Contents" at the
bottom of this page), but for now, just see if the chart can give you a
sense of your chakra system and how it works.
(Note: For readers on phones and tablets, this chart may not render well on some devices, and I haven't been able to figure that out, so apologies if that's the case for you. --Nancy)
Common Name
Related to
Ideal Level of Functioning
Root chakra
Base of spine
Physical self, self-preservation, survival instincts, connection to our bodies and the earth
Physical health, abundance, security, sense of ease in the world
Sacral chakra
Low abdomen, lower back, reproductive organs
Sexuality, emotions, eroticism, pleasure, creativity, sensation
Sexual/erotic health and fulfillment, ease with change, creativity, generativity, grace, feeling, fluidity, balanced emotions
Solar Plexus chakra
Upper abdomen between navel and sternum
Ego, will, metabolism, personal power
Personal power, will, effectiveness, personal energy
Heart chakra
Center of body at heart level
Love, integration, self-love, compassion,healing, relationships
Ability to feel compassion, love deeply; healthy intimate relationships
Throat chakra
Base of throat
Light Blue
Communication, self-expression, creativity
Ability to express self, manifest personal essence in the world, and communicate well; rich creative life
Brow chakra
Forehead, b/t & slighly above eyebrows
Sight, both physical and intuitive/psychic; intellect
Clear thought, understanding, strong intuition, ability to see clearly
Crown chakra
Top of head
White or violet
Spiritual life and experience, deep self-knowledge, sense of oneness and unity, connection to the One, pure consciousness, transcendence
Wisdom, spiritual connection, spiritual understanding, sense of connection
You can find a lot more information about chakras on this site, including a detailed page for each of the seven chakras. Or just visit the Chakras Main Page for an overview of what chakras are and how they affect our lives.
My user-friendly book devoted to the chakras, with some of the clearest explanations
you'll find and 500 enjoyable activities to clear, nurture and support your chakras.
Learn more or buy it at the link above.
Additional information about each chakra in a handy format.
What is the color associated with each of the 7 chakras, and what do variations mean?
Perceive your own subtle energy centers.
Learn about keeping your subtle energy centers healthy and balanced.
Learn about a common energetic phenomenon with major implications for your health.
Open your chakras using fun, everyday activities.
How and why to balance your energy centers.
Learn a chakra-healing meditation.
How to use vocal toning to clear, balance, and energize your energy centers.
Crystals and Stones for the Chakras
How to use the power of stones and gems to clear and balance your energy centers.
Essential Oils for the Chakras
Chakra essential oils and how to use them for healing your subtle energy centers.
Overcome anxiety and fear.
Open to joy.
Unlock your personal power.
Open to the love that is all around you.
Speak and live your truth.
Develop your capacities for clarity, intuition, and insight.
Develop your capacities for spiritual growth.
Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.