A Chakra Meditation
To Clear, Balance, Align, and Energize Your Chakras
Chakra healing for many people is part of their essential self-care routines. A chakra meditation can help you clear, align, and balance your chakras. This will help you maintain the health of your physical and energetic bodies.
What Are the Chakras?
© Little_prince | Dreamstime.com
Chakras are energy centers or portals in the energy field. They play an important role in the health of your energy systems, including your physical body.
Located along the central channel of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, they are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortices through which universal/cosmic energy flows into and out of a person.
There are seven major chakras, plus many minor ones. Each chakra corresponds to specific glands, organs, and facets of your being.
(c) Dane Gregory Meyer
A Simple Chakra Meditation
Direct your attention to your 1st or root, chakra, located at the base of your spine. Visualize a wheel, spinning clockwise. Visualize it as a pure red color. Breathe in red, breathe out red. Stay focused on the 1st chakra for a minute or so.
Direct your attention to your 2nd, or sacral, chakra. It is located in the middle of your lower abdomen, between your naval and pubic bone. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean orange color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in orange, breathe out orange. Stay focused on the 2nd chakra for a minute or so.
Direct your attention to your 3rd, or solar plexus, chakra. It is located in the middle of your upper abdomen, between your naval and sternum. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean yellow color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in yellow, breathe out yellow. Stay focused on the 3rd chakra for a minute or so.
Direct your attention to your 4th, or heart, chakra. It is located in the center of your body at the heart level. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean green color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in green, breathe out green. Stay focused on the 4th chakra for a minute or so.
Direct your attention to your 5th, or throat, chakra. It is located at the base of your throat. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean sky blue color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in blue, breathe out blue. Stay focused on the 5th chakra for a minute or so.
Direct your attention to your 6th, or brow, chakra, also called the Third Eye. It is located at the center of your forehead, between and slightly above your eyebrows. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean indigo color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in indigo, breathe out indigo. Stay focused on the 6th chakra for a minute or so.
Finally, direct your attention to your 7th, or crown, chakra. It is located at the top of your head. Visualize it as a wheel of a pure, clean violet (or white) color, spinning clockwise. Breathe in violet (or white), breathe out violet (or white). Stay focused on the 7th chakra for a minute or so.
Now just relax and notice how you feel. Take a few moments to continue breathing in a slow, deep, relaxed way, just staying present to your body.
When you feel ready to return from your chakra meditation, open your eyes and slowly return your attention to the room. You may want to ground yourself by drinking a glass of water, eating a piece of fruit, or taking a walk.
Do You Enjoy Working With Your Chakras? Learn More Here
If you enjoy working with your chakras, but are perhaps feeling a little timid about it, or are daunted by the overload of information that most books about chakras hit you with, you may enjoy my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. I wrote it help people -- even beginners -- understand the chakras, learn how to tell which chakras need support, and be able to provide that support for themselves.
The book is practical and readable and includes over 500 fresh, down-to-earth activities and exercises that you can use to nurture and heal your own chakras.
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