Energy healing can sound a little nebulous. Sometimes people want to know, "But what can energy healing DO?" Read on to learn about some energy healing benefits.
Energy healing benefits can happen on any level: energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental or physical. They can be dramatic, but are often subtle. They can happen immediately, but often show up later, after the healing session is long over.
Often the results happen at the level that will provide the most profound benefits. For example, the primary benefit of a healing session (or sessions) might come as an insight or change in attitude that results in a change of behavior that results in a long-lasting improvement in physical health, emotional health, and/or quality of life. A case study from my practice at the end of this article illustrates this.
I offer The Energy Healing Site free of charge and without external ads. If you'd like to support me in my work to make energy healing more accessible to a broader range of people, you can purchase my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your own chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide that teaches about energy and energy healing as well, it available as a paperback
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But energy healing is not an "if you do A, they B will happen" kind of thing. It's not a formula or a recipe. You really never know what's going to happen, which makes it more of a process than a product, more an adventure than a walk around the neighborhood and home again. Whether you're the healer or the healee, it's best to go into it with a spirit of openness and without being attached to outcomes.
And--this is important!--reputable energy work is not intended to replace conventional medical or psychological treatment. It is intended to be a complementary therapy. You should always continue to seek and follow the advice of your qualified medical or psychological practitioner.
A session from my own energy healing practice illustrated the
importance of being holistic when we think about energy healing
benefits. This is the concept that true wellness must
include the whole person--not just the physical body. An important
corollary is that healing can and will show up on any of a variety of
levels, including the mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic, as
well as the material level.
In this session, an older client whose vision was deteriorating was
concerned about losing her eyesight and was very demoralized about her
prospects. As she talked to me during the initial part of our session, I
could see and hear that her spirits were low and that her concerns were
taking up a lot of her attention and energy.
After she moved
to the treatment table, I worked generally to support her physical
vitality and emotional well-being. Near the close of our session, I also
did considerable energy work with her eyes. I felt a lot of deep heat
and activity as I did so.
When she left I walked her out into the front garden of my office, and this happened:
She announced, "It's such a beautiful fall day. I'm so glad I can see it."
she turned to her left, looking at the Boston Ivy growing lushly along
the fence and starting to turn red. "That's so beautiful," she said. She
took a few steps and turned to our little fountain surrounded by sweet
box (a pretty little shrub). She looked at it —usually she just passed
by it— and commented on how nice it looked.
A few more steps led
her past a late-fall, blue-and-pink hydrangea. Usually, she walked right
by it, but this time she stopped and took it in, remarking on how
lovely it was.
Her step was firmer and more confident than when
she had arrived, and her energy looked much brighter, more open and
up-turned (as opposed to down-cast, for lack of better descriptions). I
was thrilled by the changes, her improved mood and her pleasure in the
visual beauty of the day.
After she left, I reflected on these changes. The energy work around
her eyes had felt very powerful. Had it actually improved her physical
vision? There was no way for me to know, but from my point of view it
didn't matter. The energy healing had clearly worked on some level,
because she was truly, deeply seeing and relishing the world and its
beauty in a way that she had not done for some time.
My sense is
that the treatment had probably worked to promote wellness in a holistic way. It
had probably healed and opened her "inner eyes"--her awareness and
presence in her own life--rather than improving her external, physical
eyes. But that distinction doesn't seem significant. There's so much
more to the experience of seeing than just the processing of sensory
stimuli gathered by our physical eyes. What use is even perfect, 20/20
vision if we don't truly look, if we aren't aware of the rich, sensory
information that our eyes bring to us?
Energy healing is more likely to have a broad, holistic impact than
to effect narrow, physical cures. Not that dramatic physical cures can't
happen, but in my experience, they're less common. As a very material
culture, we are oriented toward the physical and tend to believe that a
physical result is the apex of healing. But physical cures are often
less significant in the long run, occurring on the level of symptom
rather than the level of root cause. Healings that happen on mental,
emotional, spiritual and energetic levels are sometimes not as immediately dramatic,
but often longer-lasting and more far-reaching.
From an energy
healer's point of view, none of the ways of affecting holistic wellness
is is any better than the others. We should celebrate the whole
spectrum, from the most subtle to the most obvious!
Namaste, Nancy
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Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.