Energy Healing for Feet

Powerful Thresholds for Earth Energy

“Feet” Your humble feet are so important energetically. As Jan Phillips says in Divining the Body, “Our feet are sacred portals, thresholds over which great energy enters us from Mother Earth.”

I remember an energy healing session that I had some years ago, when I was experiencing intense anxiety. At the point I finally sought help, my energy was a mess, extremely unbalanced, and I was anxious almost to the point of being non-functional. The healer had me widen the chakras on the soles of my feet to the size of dinner plates, allowing me to reconnect strongly to the earth's energy. After just that one session, my energy never again got that unbalanced.

I almost always work with peoples’ feet during healing sessions. People love it and it can make such a difference. Here are some examples of techniques you might try.

Energy Healing for Feet: Techniques You Can Use

Physical Massage/Holding

Just massaging or holding the feet can be a powerful way to bring people into their bodies, calm them, and help them ground and reconnect to earth energy. Other forms of physical comfort for the heat such as gentle heat can also be helpful.

As a Way of Working with the First Chakra

Feet are related to the first chakra. Working directly on the 1st chakra isn’t possible (in that you would never place your hands directly on a client’s body in the area of the 1st chakra). Working with the feet provides a good indirect alternative and is grounding, calming and very supportive for the root chakra.

Opening Foot Chakras/Working with Ground Chakra

There are also important chakras in the soles of the feet themselves. Either working in the field below the feet or working directly with the physical soles of the feet, you can open the foot chakras to help your client bring in more earth energy.

Acupressure points K1 and Li3

Two important acu-points are Kidney 1 (sole of foot) and Liver 3 (top of foot) By holding both of these simultaneously, you can create a strong energy flow. You can easily do that with your thumbs and 2nd or 3rd fingers when your client is lying on a treatment table.

The locations are illustrated on the pages linked to below:

Location of Kidney 1

Location of Liver 3

Guided Exercises/Meditation

As I’m doing any of these techniques, I often verbally guide people to bring their attention to their feet, open their foot chakras, feel the energy flow, connect to earth energy, etc. If people aren't experienced with working with their chakras, I may say something like "open or imagine that you are opening the energy portals on the bottoms of your feet," or "without thinking or trying, just by intending, open the chakras (or energy portals) on the soles of your feet, knowing that you have the ability to do this just by intending, and that there is no way to do it wrong."

Home Care

I often encourage people to pamper their feet with self-massage (tennis balls are good for this), foot baths, and really comfortable footwear. Some people like to get pedicures or do their own, and that can be a good way to honor and care for the energetic power houses that your feet are.

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Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.