Energy Healing for Injuries

Creative Visualization to Relieve Pain and Trauma

Graphic illustrating "ouch" to "awwww."

No matter how careful you are, bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts are going to happen in a person's life. Especially if that person has kids!  Injuries affect not just the physical body. They have an energetic component as well, so it makes sense to have some methods of energy healing for injuries. Of course, energy healing isn't going to magically make a broken bone or a wound disappear into thin air. But it can reduce pain and speed healing, and that's a worthwhile result.

The technique of energy healing for injuries below should definitely be in every family’s “first-aid” kit. I wish I’d known about it when my daughter was little!

Energy Healing for Injury Relief

This technique is very simple. It uses tcreative visualization to shift the energy of your field, among other things helping to keep the emotional impact of the injury from worsening the pain. Fear and anger often add considerable energetic disturbance and therefore suffering to the physical pain caused by the injury. Besides helping to reduce pain, this technique can also speed healing. Here's how to do it.

As soon as possible after the injury, replay the event in your mind, but without the injury happening. Make the images in your mind as clear and distinct as possible. You should visualize the process without the injury over and over, at least twelve times. The pain will begin to lessen.

For example, recently I reached into a drawer in my kitchen and sliced my finger deeply on the cutting edge of a cling wrap box. (Darn those cling wrap boxes!) It hurt like the dickens.

After I hopped around the kitchen yelping for a minute or so, I deliberately slowed and deepened my breathing, and replayed the scene in my mind without the part where I sliced myself.

In my mind, I visualized reaching into the drawer and grabbing what I needed, closing the drawer and going on about my business—without cutting myself. I did this over and over, and shortly the pain began to subside.

The cut also healed quickly, considering its depth.

More Energy Healing for Injuries

Other techniques to try:
  • Often the energy field will feel spiky or buzzy/staticy over an injury. With your hands, smooth the field over and around the injury. This page explains how.
  • Support the first chakra. (See the page on my site about the 1st/Root chakra for some ideas.) Related to survival, the 1st chakra can be impacted when bodily injury occurs, so it makes sense to give it some extra loving care.
  • Re-weave the field over the injured area with the Celtic weave or another weaving type technique. (See the page on this site that explains how to do the Celtic weave.) Often when there is a wound in the physical body, there is a tear in the energy field as well.
  • Use acupressure on the Stomach 36 point to stimulate immune response.
  • Another visualization technique: In your mind's eye, see the injured area healthy and whole. Do this often.
  • Do relaxation techniques. Relaxing allows your energy to normalize and your immune system to work at peak effectiveness to repair the physical damage.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should also kiss owies! (And apply physical first aid, and/or seek medical care as appropriate. :-)

Return from Energy Healing for Injuries to Natural Pain Relief.


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.