Many people seem to feel that they can't perceive subtle energy. They expect it to feel a certain way, usually the way their teacher or classmates describe it. But it can appear in so many ways. Simply put, there are many ways to experience energy, and you probably are perceiving it without identifying it as that.
A fair number of my clients have experiences of color like this, which I interpret as healing energy in frequencies specific to their needs. I think of them as medicine-colors for that individual person.
But my young client didn’t know this. For him, it was an authentic, first-time experience of the energy. People’s first-time experiences, especially, never cease to thrill me.
These direct experiences can come in many forms, not just light or color or other visual phenomena. I remember one early experience I had receiving energy healing. I had come to an energy healer because I was feeling really physically bad, and I knew from experience that I had pneumonia. At some point during the session, I was overcome with delicious laughter. I laughed, I roared, I nearly fell on the floor with laughter. It went on and on. It felt so good, and I bounced back from the pneumonia in record time. The energy healer suggested that I was probably releasing energy. (As a side note, the energy healer in this case was very responsible and made me swear I would make an appointment with my doctor the very next day. Which I did. Don’t take chances with pneumonia!)
The intensity of the experience can vary greatly, too. Often I've found that people expect the experience of energy to be intense--and sometimes it is. But more often, it is subtle, more a whisper than a shout. You may have to get still and quiet to hear it.
But you may have had different experiences with it. There really is no way that is right or wrong or better or worse. Energy, like everything else in this world, is experienced through our own unique eyes, both physical and metaphoric. Everyone's experience of this life, including energy, is unique. So don't compare your experience to others'!
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