Founded by Janet Mentgen, RN, Healing Touch came out of the licensed nursing community in the U.S. in the 1980s. Despite its strong association with professional nursing, it is very welcoming to anyone with "a compassionate heart and a desire to be of service to others."
It's very well organized--almost to the point of being bureaucratic, from my point of view. As a result, you can be fairly sure that a certified practitioner has been through a standardized curriculum. (This is one reason why I often recommend seeking out an HT practitioner when asked for a referral in an area where I don't know anyone. Chances are an HT practitioner will be ethical and a good practitioner.) Practitioners also have a strong support organization.
Like many forms of energy healing, it works with the body's energy field and chakras. Practitioners use their hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields. Techniques are easy to learn and widely assimilated into the wider energy healing community.
Perhaps more than some other types of energy healing, its teachings seem to focus on physical healing such as healing wounds and relieving pain. However, it also aims to facilitate emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Like many forms of energy healing, it works to restore harmony and balance to its recipients' energy systems so that self-healing can take place. The HT website describes it as being based on "a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner
and client come together energetically to facilitate the client's
health and healing."
Some 50,000 individuals have taken HT classes. It is taught world-wide.
[HT] Research has been conducted in a wide variety of settings and with a number of different problems and situations including:These studies demonstrate that there is support in favor of considering Healing Touch for providing integrative care and that patients assess it highly.. . .Research has been supported and/or funded by hospitals, universities, colleges, professional organizations, private foundations, and the National Institutes of Health, Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
- Cancer
- Cardio-vascular disease
- Death and dying
- Endocrine/Immune function
- Pain
- Patient satisfaction and experience
- Psychotherapy/Psychology
- Post operative recovery
- Stress
Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.