How To Not Take On
Your Client's Energy

A Basic Skill for Energy Healers

When we're doing an energy healing, we should NOT be taking on the energy of the people we're working with.

Photo of a glass with mingling water and another substance
But sometimes, even with experienced healers, it happens. Maybe your body starts to hurt, or you leave the session with your client's headache, or you can feel that you've taken on their emotions. It can happen in lots of ways. Occasionally I'll have a sneezing fit when a client is releasing a lot of energy. I know it's time for some disentangling techniques when that happens!

How To Not Take On Your Clients Energy

It's important for an energy healer to know how to separate their energy from their client's. (It can come in handy with friends and family, too.) Here are some techniques you can try.

Note that it's best not to let your client know that you've taken on some of their energy. They tend to get concerned, when there's no need to be. So do the disentangling techniques without mentioning what you're doing.

Techniques for Before a Session

  • Ground.
  • Set an intention to keep your energies distinct.
  • Do the Donna Eden "Zip Up" Technique. Place your hand or hands at the bottom of the central meridian (at the top of the pubic bone). Holding the intention to keep your energy distinct, take a deep breath and simultaneously move your hand/hands up the center-line of your body, to your upper lip. You can do this with your hand/s on your physical body, or a few inches away from it. Repeat three times.
  • Offer the healing to a higher power.

During the Session Techniques

  • Silently reaffirm your intention to keep energies distinct.
  • Silently reground.
  • Stay grounded in empathy. Don't let yourself slip into sympathy. Keep your attention on the potential for healing, not the problem.
  • If you feel energy building up on your hands, shake them off.
  • Expand and reinforce your field.
  • Send your energy to a stone or crystal such as hematite, that you keep in your treatment room for that purpose.
  • Send excess energy to a live plant that you keep in your room for that purpose. (Take very good care of that plant! It's your healing partner!)
  • Focus on your own breath for a moment.
  • Feel your own feet, the feel of your shoes and socks, the pressure on your soles from standing, etc.

After the Session Techniques

  • Offer the session and the energy to the divine (or whatever you call your higher power).
  • Wash your hands and forearms in cool water.
  • Once you're alone, recite facts about yourself.(My name is Nancy. My eyes are brown. My dog's name is Buddy.)
  • Call light to yourself and expand your field.
  • Run energy vigorously up through your grounding cords (or roots), through your shoulders and arms and out your hands and fingers (or wherever you feel the impact.) This is a Laura Alden Kamm technique.
Remember, it's not good for anyone when your energies get mingled with your client's. It happens to everyone sometimes, so don't feel bad if it does. But know how to not take on your clients energy, and take care of it right away.

More Energy Healing Basics

Basic Concepts
Learn some of the core principles of energy healing.

Energy Anatomy
Learn about the human energy field.

Preparing for Doing Energy Work
Go into an energy healing session in as elevated a state as you can.

Basic Techniques
Learn some of the most basic techniques of energy work.

Healer Self Care
When you become an energy healer, and/or if you are energetically sensitive, you have to take special care of yourself, both when you are doing energy work and in your daily life. It's good to have a tool box of selfcare techniques.

Healer Ethics
Energy healers have a special ethical responsibilities to their clients.

More resources for learning energy healing.

Go from How to Not Take on Your Clients Energy to Energy Healer Basics main page.


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.