24 Right Brain Exercises
for Better Energy Healing
Tap into the Creative, Non-Linear Side of Your Brain
Right-brain exercises are fun and they can help us be better energy healers! I had one of those light-bulb moments about this a while back, while writing about brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor. A massive stroke disabled Dr. Taylor's left brain hemisphere for 8 years. During that time, with her right brain dominant, she experienced herself not as a solid, but rather as a fluid in a fluid environment.
Based on image by Dierk Schaefer, flickr.com/photos/dierkschaefer/2961565820
This fluid, connected-to-everything state struck me as ideal for energy healing -- the very sweet spot that I strive for in a healing session. I have no hard proof, but it seems clear to me that a strong activation of the right brain is very favorable for energy healing.
Can that state -- right-brain ascendance -- also called R-Mode -- be cultivated? Absolutely. And right brain exercises are fun!
Right Brain / Left Brain
First, a bit of background. The two sides of the brain work differently. The brain's left hemisphere tends to be analytical, logical, linear, literal, detail-oriented and sequential. The right hemisphere tends to be creative, non-linear, non-rational, intuitive, relational and holistic.
Both are good and important. A balance between them is ideal, but our highly rational society values left-brain function more -- and thus it often overrides the right.
The Importance of the Right Brain Hemisphere for Healing Work
Healing work requires both the right and the left sides of the brain. However, trained by our culture, we may over-rely on our left hemispheres. Being stuck in this intellectual, linear mode can hinder connection to the intuition, compassion, deep, non-judgmental presence, non-attachment to outcome, and connection to the universal flow of energy that are so important to healing work. If anything, in energy healing, we should aim for light left brain activation and strong reliance on the right. But for many of us, letting go of our left-hemisphere security blanket can take practice and cultivation.
So how can you strengthen your right brain?
24 Fun Right Brain Exercises
Fortunately, right brain exercises are fun! Some ideas:
- "Magic Pen" exercise
With your right hand start a written conversation with yourself. "Hi, how are ya?" will do. Then, without thinking, write an answer with your left hand. Carry on a conversation like this for a few minutes, getting into meatier subjects if desired. Your left hand may offer you surprising insights -- wisdom you didn't know you had.
- Tell stories
- Get random. If you've got a problem to solve or need inspiration, seek arbitrary sources (e.g. close your eyes, open a dictionary, put your finger down on the page, and then ponder how the word you're touching might apply to your situation). Alternatively, apply arbitrary rules. For example, pick a letter and then generate only solutions or ideas that begin with that letter. Do this as many times as you like.
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- Nurture play, bliss and child-like wonder
- Sing, play or listen to music
- Laugh, dance, exercise
- Take a rest from judging and categorizing: just experience
- Meditate
- Relax (massage is great for this)
- Shake up your routine, e.g. switch hands to write or brush your teeth.
- Draw, paint, do collage, sculpt -- don't worry if you're not very good at it. Keep a box of art supplies -- crayons or finger paints, different colors of clay or fabric, "found" objects, etc., and let your right brain mess around with color, shape, and texture.
- Visualize something that you WANT to have happen.
- Try Mind Mapping next time you have a task, project, or goal. (Google it if you don't know what mind-mapping is.)
- Let yourself play
- Put something together without the instructions, cook something without a recipe, or do anything without following any directions -- just make it up
- Look and really SEE. Minutely observe something, anything. (You might want to read the classic book, Zen and the Art of Seeing. It's lovely. Or the classic book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain."
- Be tactile -- write with a pen instead of computer; touch things and really feel them; wear highly textural clothes.
- Read something entirely different from what you usually read
- Free-write
- Get dressed in the dark
- Play around with aromas, especially aromatherapy (essential oils)
- Slow down; wait for something without getting out your phone or your book
- Swim, take a shower, or put a small fountain in your office.
- Listen to a CD with Theta brain waves, such as any of The Relaxation Company's theta wave recordings.
In a nutshell, right brain exercises are a lot about letting go and having fun! It's good for your right brain. And that'll make you a better (and happier) healer.
Wishing you plenty of right-brain fun,
Here's a more nuanced discussion of the right/left brain theory.
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