The Energy Healing Site
Ad, Sponsorship, and Affiliate Disclosure and Policies

This is my personal site. I accept advertising and receive other forms of compensation. Such compensation does not influence the information in my site. I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences.

"Ads by Google" are not selected by me, so if you see a Google ad and a Web page about the same product or service, it is a coincidence.

I only accept non-Google sponsorships from providers of high-quality goods or services. I appreciate their recognition and support.

The Energy Healing Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (I can't actually remember if I have any affiliate links to them, but they require it, so just to be on the safe side I'm putting it in!)

Rest assured that the actual content on sponsored pages are independent of any sponsorship or affiliate relationship. To avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest and in the spirit of full disclosure, I identify all sponsored content to you.

If you like my website, please support it by buying through my affiliate links. (If you click on my link to a product or service and then buy that product or service, I receive a small commission. You are not charged more because of this commission.) This site takes time, effort, and money to deliver original content, free, to you. Supporting my sponsors is a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, me, and them.

Of course, you can also buy directly from the website in question, going to them without clicking on my link, in which case I will not receive a commission.

Not all my links to products earn me a commission, by the way.

Thank you very much for your support. --Nancy


Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life.  You'll learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.